3dcity - The New Way of Planning and Real Estate Development

3dcity - The New Way of Planning and Real Estate Development

Visit 3dcity.com to learn more about the revolutionary new way of doing  3d city  and real estate development. Whether you are a seasoned urban planner or someone who just wants to build a house in the city, this new web-based platform is perfect for anyone who needs to make their living in the city and wants to make sure they can enjoy their work and life there too.

House Planning Made Easy

Traditional urban planning tools were designed for large-scale, long-term development projects and usually require significant expertise to use properly. With 3dcity, all you need is a computer, a good imagination, and a decent design sense to easily build your perfect home in the city.

As a real estate developer, you might already be familiar with the arduous process of designing individual plots of land for residential use. Depending on the size of your project and how much expertise you have at your disposal, it can take several months to complete all the drawings, get the necessary building permits, and get the projects done correctly (if you are fortunate enough to find a project manager with enough skill and experience to oversee your project).

Thanks to 3dcity, all that hard work is now made easy. Instead of individually designing homes for individual clients as before, you can concentrate on developing entire city blocks or individual estates, as the case may be. This can save you both time and money in the long run.

Turning Your Dime Into a Dollar

The beauty of 3dcity is that it allows you to work at a much smaller scale, which in turn makes your investment much more viable. Whereas previously, a residential developer might have needed a five-digit price tag for a basic plot of land in a desirable location, with 3dcity you can now build a house for about $50,000. That's a tremendous savings and, in some cases, entirely doable even for first-time home buyers.

For those looking to maximize their return on investment, 3dcity provides an opportunity to rapidly re-tool their profession and make their living in a way that is both flexible and enjoyable. Instead of being tied to one plot of land and one product (residential homes), you can develop, or participate in the development of, entire city blocks and even entire towns, as the case may be. This provides great exposure to a wider audience and greater opportunities for those looking to enter or re-enter the housing market.

Mastering The Art Of The Venn Diagram

If you are a seasoned urban planner with experience in designing complex projects that require interconnectivity, you can use 3dcity's unique Venn diagram to make sure your plan is both cohesive and logical. Instead of having to juggle multiple spreadsheets and make countless notes or hand-drawn sketches, you can use the tool to seamlessly link together all the areas of your plan and studies and studies relating to your project.

Simply enter your project's details into the system and it will generate a cohesive plan that can be easily understood by everyone involved in the project, from your clients to the various city agencies.

The plan can then be passed on to other departments, such as transportation or planning and development, for comment and further action. Everyone involved in the process can comment and suggest changes, making the entire planning process a collaborative one.

The Future Of Real Estate

Traditional real estate development has always been a hard slog, and for good reason too. Building individual homes on spec (that is, without a guarantee of sale) and marketing them to potential buyers has always been the way of doing business. That is, until now.

With the advent of 3dcity, all of that has changed. No longer do you need to sell a large number of homes to make a living. With 3dcity, you can design and build a small number of homes (ideally, just one or two) and make a decent living off the sale of those homes. That's the beauty of 3dcity – it provides you with the opportunity to specialize and concentrate on what you do best, while still being able to make a decent living.

To give you an idea of how lucrative this can be, let's look at a few numbers.

  • The cost of a single plot of land for a traditional house in a desirable location is about $150,000. With the right building materials and little to no cost for utilities, you can build a house for approximately $50,000. That's a return on investment of over 300%
  • Developing a small number of high-quality homes and selling them for approximately what you spent to develop them can, in some cases, see you earning a decent profit
  • You don't need to sell a large number of homes to make a living. With 3dcity, all you need is one or two high-quality homes to sell to make a profit
  • If you want to become part of the growing city community and be able to make the most of its amenities, it's now possible to do so without leaving the city
  • One of the things that makes 3dcity so unique is that it provides an interactive experience, where architects, planners, and other stakeholders can virtually "meet" and collaborate with one another